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Each fine art original for sale on this site has been framed. Some KieferArt customers prefer to buy their own frame for the painting. Please indicate here whether or not you would like to receive the painting FRAMED or UNFRAMED. (The sales price of the painting is not effected either way).
echo "";
echo $date . " "; echo "" . $firstName . " " . $lastName; echo " "; echo $address . " "; echo $city . ", " . $state . " " . $zip . " "; echo "Email: " . $email . " "; echo "Frame: " . $frame; if (($_SESSION['price'] == 'nfs') || ($_SESSION['price'] == 'NFS')) { echo " " . "I'm sorry. this original is either not for sale or has already been sold." . " "; echo "Please click " . "" . "here" . "" . " for print availability. Thank you." . " "; die(); } else { echo " " . "Item price: " . "" . $_SESSION['price'] . " "; } if ($state == 'MN') { $tax = $_SESSION['tax']; echo "MN State tax: " . "" . $tax . " "; } else { $tax = 0; } $ship = 40.00; $ship = sprintf("%01.2f", $ship); echo "s/h: " . "" . "\$" . $ship . " "; $priceF = substr($_SESSION['price'], 1); $taxF = substr($tax, 1); $total = $priceF + $taxF + $ship; $total = sprintf("%01.2f", $total); echo "" . "TOTAL PRICE: $" . $total . " "; echo ""; echo " | ";
echo "";
echo " "; echo ""; echo $_SESSION['title']; echo " |